Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It's Not As Easy As It Looks

Tammany Trail
I wanted to get an early start toward Mt. Tammany this morning.  It was supposed to be sunny early on before turning overcast and giving way to rain.  Unfortunately, unless I have told someone that I will be somewhere at some stupid hour of the morning, an early start ain't happening.

Getting up Mt. Tammany in time to get some shots of the Gap in its fall finery just isn't motivation enough, apparently.  But despite not getting to  the trailhead until almost 9, I still held out hope that I could make it in time.  I'd just pick up the pace.

Hahahaha.  Yeah, that's funny.

Several long stretches of trail looked like the photo above.  Still, it wouldn't be that big of a deal if MY KNEES DIDN'T SUCK.  But my knees do suck, so it took a bit longer than expected to get to the overlook at the top.  By then, it had started to rain.  The forecast called for partly sunny skies later in the day, but I didn't feel like sitting around all day, so I slowly continued the loop in the hope of finding something that would justify what I had just done and would continue to do to my knees.  (Going back down is much worse than going up.)

Well, look what I found:

I was quite pleased with my find and continued my torturous descent down the mountain, stopping along the way to photograph Dunfield Creek.  When I got to the parking area, the sun came out, and I thought, "Hmmm, maybe I should hike back up to the overlook."

My knees said, "No."

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